Top Four Hiking In Hermanus, South Africa

Wild Mountains Hermanus

The Top Four Hiking Trails In Hermanus, South Africa


While the majority of people who choose to visit South Africa, particularly Hermanus, already have many activities planned, there is always another activity that can be added to that list – hiking. Not all individuals enjoy hiking. In fact, not all individuals enjoy taking a pleasant stroll through nature. However, for those who do take pleasure in hiking there are several different hiking trails in and around Hermanus to meet your needs. This article will provide information on the top four hiking trails in Hermanus, South Africa.

1. Fernkloof Nature Reserve

Located in the nearby Fernkloof Nature Research, there are several hiking trails available to the eager hiker. Approximately 50km of walks can be found across the mountain ranges that encircle the town of Hermanus providing visitors with the opportunity to view the unique Cape Town plant life. Reports indicate that near 1,500 various types of plant species are located in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve making it one of the most diverse reserves in the area.

The most popular trail within the Fernkloof Nature Reserve is the Tree Trail. This trail focuses specifically on the indigenous trees located in the area and provides a walk from the Botanical Centre to the exclusively-located Assegaibos. Of course, for a fee, it is possible to have a qualified guide arrange a hike where you will be able to view the plants and animals with information being shared on the items.

2. The Hermanus Cliff Path

Unlike the trails in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve, the Hermanus Cliff Path is free of charge for users. It is one of the city’s most beautiful sites and the path travels for approximately 11km along the coastline from New Harbour to Piet-se-Bos beyond Grotto Beach.

Hermanus Cliff

The Cliff Path trail was originally created by the Hermanus Botanical Society; however, it is currently cared for by local residents who service the path using private donations. It should be noted that while the cliff itself is a popular feature, the whale spotting opportunities increase the uniqueness of this trail.

3. The Salmonsdam Mountain Trail

The Salmonsdam Mountain Trail is located in the Salmonsdam Nature Reserve and is not in the city of Hermanus but is located near the whale watching capital. It is a scenic, tranquil and highly inviting area drawing in tourists in all seasons.

Despite being lead from across the mountain ranges, the Salmonsdam Mountain Trail is a circular trail for hikers. It is a simple trail to follow with few inclines measuring only 4km in distance. The trail begins at the base of the Perdeberg Mountain allowing hikers to enjoy both mountains and the coast within the nature reserve. Unfortunately, price to book a trail is only available on request.

4. The Salmonsdam Ravine Trail

As with the Salmonsdam Mountain Trail, the Salmonsdam Ravine Trail is located in the Salmonsdam Nature Reserve near the city of Hermanus. It is a 3km trail heading through the Keeronskloof Ravine where the individual will hit a point and then return to the beginning of the walk. This is a fascinating trail because it allows one to encounter unique rock formations along the path with caves as an optional extra. It should be noted that children can complete this trail, but only under supervision.
